One shot requests open I do readerxcharacter. Send me a couple of numbers and characters and I'll do a Drabble, smut, etc with a idea on how you want it to go or be. I can also do just straight up requests I can do •gay •lesbian •straight 1. "You idiot what were you thinking?" 2. "Ah! I'm sorry I'll go now." 3." Put some clothes on for gods sake!" 4." She/ he's right over there you should go talk to her." 5. "Wait stay." 6. "You are an incredible singer." 7. "Don't you dare lay a finger on him/her." 8. "I love you." 9. "I hate you." 10." You should have locked the door." 11. "Why are you up so early?" 12. "I waited and you never came" 13."I didn't have any other choice" 14. "Make me." 15. "You did what to him/her?" 16." Come over here and make me." 17. "God I love the way you look." 18. "This has got to be the dumbest thing you have ever done... can I join?" 19. "Don't look at me like that.. you know I can't say no ." 20. "Why do you keep pushing me away?" 21. "Don't you dare touch me!" 22. "I thought you were dead..." 23. "Breath it's alright I'm here." 24. "Wait, stay." 25. "You can't stop me from marrying him/her." 26. "You're the only one I trust to do this." 27. "I'm going to kill you for touching him/ her" 28. "Keep your damn hands off me." 29. "I can explain." 30. "Join me." 31. "Then tell me you love me." 32. "You can't do it can you." 33. "Wait... you're jealous arnt you" 34. " loving you scares me." 35. "Damn she/ he can sing." 36. "What are we going to do?" 37. " please don't leave." 8. " I love you.All Rights Reserved