Have you ever liked someone and think that s/he's into you? Have you ever been in a "complicated" relationship? Have you ever been in "relationship" but it's only you who thinks that there is something going on between the two of you? Have you ever wish that someday s/he'll hold your hand and look into your eyes and just feel that the person also feels the same with you? Have you ever cared for somebody yet always limit yourself to do so because you know that you don't have the right for that person? Have you ever been jealous but then again you can't do that because there are no strings attached? Well, if all of your answers are never been, then you're lucky because I experienced all of these mess, a beautiful mess. Hope you like it guys! A poem I wrote some time in August this year (2017) that was intended to be spoken. Don't forget to share me your thoughts on this. XOXOAll Rights Reserved