Parenting is not easy, being a son is not either, living in a world that is so fast paced. The Great family Abduction tell us of all these shortcomings and difficulties, which the human being goes throughout life, in its various stages. From those big mistakes we make and are undermining proper development, emotional, psychological, social, among many others, and so wrong that we have to live. Here we will learn to appreciate all the things that life gives us, as manipulates like people properly, in order that ourselves will become more preventive doctors of the health of our body. Also, we can reprogram ourselves to be happy and enjoy teaching our children to do the same, in consequence tomorrow they will be the ones who have made the change and a difference. Let's stop living so fast and let's give quality time to others and ourselves, to find out all those details that we don't pay attention to, and from a full, happy and harmonic life.