Hooker boots, fishnet stockings, fried hair, and crayola makeup. Throw in sex and a high possibility of STD's and you've got the image of a whore. There's always that one story about the social outcast rumored to sleep around and fuck everyone in sight, when in reality she hasn't even had her first kiss yet. Adriana isn't that girl. She's seen and done things most are ashamed to admit to, she's met people most seventeen year old girls steer clear of, and she's trapped. She's been trapped in a vicious cycle of dirty old men, drugs, beatings, and alcohol since she'd stepped into it at the age of thirteen. Adriana Williams, the name of a rebellious, detached, scarred girl who lives her life without really living it. Doesn't sound like much of a nanny, does she? Well, don't judge a book by its cover.