The Vulcans are isolating themselves from the UFOP, and Troi and Riker are alone on Vulcan to deal with the social and political consequences. Meanwhile, the Enterprise is facing its captains greatest fear: The Borg. Can the Doctor help to save them all? "I like to drop in and save the day for people who can't sort out their problems on their own. I tell myself it's for people's own good, they need me because I'm much cleverer than them. But Star Fleet? You're about as smart as the human race gets. You've put all the ignorance and the bigotry and warmongering behind you, and you've finally embraced knowledge and science and co-operation, and you're spreading your wings! And look at you!" The Doctor gestured down at the Enterprise below them "Look at what you've achieved. This - you - you're humanity's finest hour. And maybe that's why I've been avoiding you. Because... you just don't need me anymore." Canon, Troi and RikerAll Rights Reserved