Hey... My name is Historie Miller-Carmen. I have black hair like Papa and green eyes like Dad. I am sixteen, making me a Sophmore in high school. I like to sing and play music with my dad and I'm good with science and math like my Papa. Everybody hates me or ignores me. I don't know why. I have a Siamese cat named Bailey, but he's old. I still love him. I talk to Bailey and he listens to me sing and play. He sits on the table whenever I do homework. I still don't get why they hate me. I'm human, like the rest of them. What's wrong with me? ________________________ This is a sequel to 'My Homan' about fifteen or twenty years later down the line. Thomas and Kris adopted a daughter and named her Historie. Bailey is really old but Siamese cats live up to twenty years or such so he's still alive.All Rights Reserved