25 Partes Concluida Contenido adulto"In this world, its kill or be killed"
Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.
One day, war broke out between the two races.
After a long battle, the humans were victorious.
They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.
After the war, the monsters retreated into the deepest part of the Underground, which would be called, "Home."
Note: In chapter one i NICKNAME frisk "Sam" Due to the fact you dont figure out their name until the end of pacifist so i had to put a nickname to make it easier to write and read. Sam is a neutral name so it should be fine.
NOTE: All lines with this symbol " * " is going to be in Wing Ding font in the final release of the book. But for now, it is already deciphered for you!
*So yeah! This is book one of my Undertale Series, which will be 2 books in total.
*The book is Fanmade of course, Support the original game by Toby Fox.
*Since its Undertale, i have to warn you guys obviously that there will be action and mature things. And book one is Genocide, so...
*Follow my Instagram: @Djcasso