After finding out she's pregnant at 16, Buttercup runs away, now wanting to face the reactions of her friends and family. Five years later, she returned to Townsville on request from her kid. How will this turn out?
The Rowdyruff boys z and Powerpuff girls z were invited to save the country (world tour). Kaoru couldn't go and says she can stay to take care of Townsville. The Professor agrees and goes with The ruffs and two puffs.
Kaoru stays and takes care of Townsville but an accident happens and makes her forget everything! what happens when Him comes back while she lost her memory? what happens when the ruff and puff comes back and see the change in Townsville? Will the ruff and puff make up for Kaoru lost time?
Butchercup story. Main character Buttercup
(This story is inspire by: The lost memory of Kaoru and The new Buttercup)
Started : Nov.28 2020
Release : Feb. 10 2021
Ended: ????