There are 24 hours in 1 day. 60 minutes in 1 hour, and 60 seconds in each minute. That's 86400 seconds in each passing day. And in each minute something happens. The universe ceases to stop. The earth doesn't wait for you to catch your breath for it to spin. It has no mercy on you. It doesn't care about us. It really doesn't. It is only your home, a place where time flows, where rain falls and life plays out in terrible darrastic ways.
Maybe if we're lucky one day time will change its course. If we're lucky it'll grant us just a second of time. Maybe it will let us have 1 second out of 86400 to catch our breath. But that's only in a universe where the earth stops spinning on demand. Not mine. I can't do that. I can't breathe. Not now, not like this, not ever.
My thoughts consist of counting flowers or how many raindrops hit the roof. My thoughts are filled with how many peddles are on a rose, and how many times I have to choke down the words I want to say to Russ. ❤️
By the way, This s also A supernatural Fanfiction. I put Sam and dean (and another surprise in here) I don't own them! But I own the other characters! HAPPY READING! don't be afraid to comment on things i might need to change! ❤️❤️❤️ I want to hear from you!!
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