Rebecca Guerin, an eighteen year old mother, left her life behind her a year before to find herself in the midst of being caught between adolescence and adulthood. One year later she returns to the town she forsook with her adopted son, Fletcher, on her hip after drastic physical and emotional changes. Shunned by her parents for her lifestyle choices, she seeks shelter from old friend, Travis Hilbun, a skater from a rough childhood.
Struggling to find balance between motherhood and work life, Rebecca reaches out to Travis while she struggles to keep her son’s parentage classified and deal with her own demons. Rebecca seeks for the upside in life, but everything is falling apart around her.
Rebecca’s sister and her boy toy are becoming increasingly suspicious about Fletcher’s biological parents. An old flame, Trevor, tries stepping back into her life. And as Fletcher’s unknowing father begins befriending Rebecca, she is torn with the moral decision to keep Fletcher’s mother’s secret or to tell his father about his son.
In this war of passion, righteousness, and secrecy, Rebecca knows in the end she will do what is right, even if it kills her.
© All rights reserved. 2014
Amanda is a junior at the Insight School of Oregon. She draws inspiration for her writing from her dreams and her unhindered imagination. She currently lives in Oregon with her parents, older sister, and five cats. All Rights Reserved
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