62 parts Complete In the land of gods and monsters, humanity ravaged Malcea with endless wars. Their insatiable hunger for treasure, pleasure, and power led them to forsake the gods who had once guided them. For thousands of years, the gods remained silent, watching with grief and fury as their creations spiraled into chaos. But when humans stood on the brink of war with the ancient dragons, the gods finally chose to intervene. Their return, however, was far from merciful-for the Gods of Malcea had darker, more sinister designs for their wayward children.
Karos, a soldier of Asalph, is one such pawn in their game. Trained to hunt dragons, his beliefs are shaken when he forms an unexpected bond with Ake, a dragon desperate to return home. As Karos questions the gods' motives, he must decide whether to uphold the laws of his homeland or fight for a future shaped by his own choices-and the fragile, growing bond with Ake who challenges everything he thought he knew.
@Haylee for this gorgeous cover!