Eljistarn, a world where beasts and humans have shed blood since the birth of legends and myths.
It all takes a turn when centuries into the war on one fatal night, Galínios also known as the Warrior of Eljistarn suddenly disappeared.
Conflict was brought to the lords of the high council as they couldn't decide their next peacekeeper. So they resolved to splitting in to five main districts; Phōs in the South, Lumina in the North, Skiá in the East, Întuneric in the West and Esōtro in Central.
The Five Lords grew an unexplainable hatred for each other as they all lusted for higher power, causing not only war between the beasts but also each other. The disunion rocketed as districts lived by their own laws and beliefs, but only one thing did they all have in common... the want for power.
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