There is one girl name Zoe Lyrae Calcio she is a student from a famous school in the country, but sue just a scholar because they cannot afford the tuition of it.Although her life Is that she gas three friends that always there even she has her problem.There is Stacey Chua her friend since grade 1 there life is just like on Zoe, but her mother is a employee of a company, and there is Dashley lourei Borcena her mother is a chef in a famous restaurant, and lastly there is Letizia Vasquez her family is has a bussiness of a beauty products. There is a prince named Nhakun Lazaro a son of a king and queen by there country, her is a famous on there school because of his family. Her is only the son of the king and queen so her have tò take the throne someday so his family are finding a girl tò marry the prince and bè his princess.Nhakun has a friends named Kaizer Bartolome is a son of a famous bussiness man and a business woman in the country, there is Weslly Pascual a famous boy and the son of a rich family that owns many company, and lastly Andrius Dela Fuente a son of a family that owns a company of famous shoes in the country ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: pls support my stories mga besh hanggang sa dulo😅tsaka sana dumami kau❤lablab mga nak👊😂All Rights Reserved