The world- the real, grotesque, fucked up world- lies hidden in plain sight.
Monsters blending in, sitting at your dinner table, smiling at you, unsuspecting.
Because they think they are safe, that they are going unnoticed just fine.
Hunters are getting faster and more efficient, wiping groups of forty- no fifty, a hundred monsters at the same time.
And only because at one time one got too reckless or showed a part of themselves that scared a human.
Mindless assaults, innocent people being locked away and reckless people roaming the streets.
Kidnapping, homicide and rape.
Robbery, arson, fraud.
Substances given out to abused teens in dirty alleys.
Yet humans always seem to deserve another chance.
Because they are humans, because they stand above all.
Because that's just the way things are.
I know about hunters and their crimes.
I know about monsters and their dark, predatory nature.
But now that I've moved to this new, comfy apartment with this other student- and since I never really got involved with the supernatural to begin with- I know I should try to forget and lead a normal, laid-back life.
With friends and maybe a relationship. Who knows, maybe enrol in a school, like I should.
A normal, happy, fully-functioning life.
A life full of lies.
Yeah, not my thing.
Instead, I'll just head outside with little to no preparation and observe and study and write about the truths I uncover.
While lying to everyone around me and avoiding hunters and civvies alike, ignoring my roommate and with no end goal to it.
Yep, sounds more like me.
Didn't go as planned.
Half of my contacts aren't human,
Am I human?
Hope so...
But do I?
Discussing the supernatural among other topics with my roommate has become routine.
My roommate who doesn't know about the supernatural.
My roommate who doesn't question where I go or what I do.
She does question why I just walked through the door limping and covered in blood though.
Good God, this should be fun.
Drifting through the days with her group of friends, Sammy only cared about escaping it all with the help of casual sex, drugs, and alcohol until she met Brett. He swept her away, and the werewolf world consumed her. Partying took a backseat to the passion and danger filled life as an alpha's mate took over. Suddenly she finds herself struggling with what is real.
"Hello Samantha. Do you remember me?" His voice rang in my brain clear and deep. I nodded my head, shock covering my face. Noticing it he reassured me, "Don't be afraid. You know me, my voice. Listen and breathe. You are safe with me." He kept talking to me in my mind. Focusing on the voice I almost didn't realize he was sifting back into his human form.
"Brett?" I questioned him aloud.
"Yes." He answered simply. "We must go, follow me."
"Where are we going?"
"Trust me. You are safe." He held out his hand, and I broke eye contact. Looking down at his hand I noticed his naked skin. His body tensed; it was as if he could sense my attraction the instant I felt it.
"I'm sorry." I said looking away as I realized I had been starring.
"It isn't anything to be embarrassed about. It's an animal instinct. It's natural. Humans only suppress it because they think it's rude. It isn't." He didn't say it like he was bragging but instead with a reassuring confidence about him. "It's actually extremely attracting when a female shows arousal outright." I was shocked; he described me like a lioness in heat. Almost as if my attraction to him was a sign saying 'come get me.' It made me extremely uncomfortable.