In the dystopian society of Hanto, seven friends have formed a rebellion against the government. The government that abuses the citizens out of money, jobs, and happiness. The government that steals parents from children, and children from parents. The government that ends the lives of many, ruling with an iron fist. The government that turned Hanto into horribleness. Hanto became the place that slight unhealthiness meant certain death, and having a whole family was very rare. The place where the only way to have health care is to have the money to pay for it. The money to pay the Doctor, who just so happens to be the corrupt governor.
In Hanto, seven rebellious citizens found each other, and in turn, found their purpose, forming a rebellion. The seven consisted of a powerful male, who is always fighting to raise money to keep his father alive, a strong caretaker, who even as an orphan is always fighting to protect the fellow rebels, a caring friend, who looks to ensure that everyone is always okay, a friendly jokester, who uses his charm and wit to ensure everyone is still bright in such dark times even with his crippling disability, the governor's son, who fights against his own family while suffering the consequences, the cunning leading, who always leads the way to complete rebelling by causing trouble and sparking violence, and the quiet money maker, who is always fighting (usually for himself) and making money along the way. These seven found their fights, and formed "The Clan".
Of "The Clan," two members, the strong caretaker, Wonho, and the governor's son, Hyungwon, four were and to protect each other. Hyungwon had problems that he remained a secret, resulting from rebelling against his father, while Wonho aimed to care for him, even without knowledge of what occurs. The only problem Hyungwon shares is his extreme anxiety and panic attacks. Wonho helps him through that the most. Soon the two found feelings for each other, unannounced to one another.
***The story is in Kihyun's P.O.V.*** (Completed!)
Land has been destroyed due to a nuclear bomb raid. K.H. has been stuck on his own for the longest time without being rescued. When he finally does get rescued, he finds himself in a hospital room. What he doesn't know is that he's inside the District State 11 biodome, the only place that can sustain life. When he is released from the hospital, he gets put into a room to live with 6 other people. What he doesn't know is he has a past with other 6 people he's living with. The others want him to remember everything, but K.H has to discover the truth on his own.
How will he discover the truth of his past?
How will the other's help him along the way?
What will his reaction be once he finds out about his past?
Monsta X's ages in the story:
shownu (S.N.)- 25
Wonho (W.H.)-24
Minhyuk (M.H.)-24
Kihyun (K.H.)-24
Hyungwon (H.W.)-23
JooHeon (J.H.)-23
I.M- 20
***Please keep in mind, in this story they had known each other before the bomb raid happened. They were already friends, and when each of them got rescued they had no memory. So when K.H. comes in and has no memory, keep in mind the others had to get their memory back. So they remember everything, but Kihyun doesn't.***