"Why hello there, the names Exotic.Welcome to my world where all kinds of stuff happens, like gods can become mortals and mortals can become gods, demons can become mortals and mortals can become demons. Well as you can see from the description its pretty interesting right? then don't forget to read all episodes of THE EXOTIC, don't forget to share, and the narrator is indonesian so plese don't be angry at the creator of this story if the story english is bad and some miss writing or some typo, well anyway in this 1st episode, Exotic realize how interesting his school is, all kinds of races in his school and the transfer system is realy brutal, he thinks not even a normal races with no special talent or power can barely past this, even the most powerful race can't, so he thinks this is the perfect school for him because he finally think this school has some challenge for him because his power is to powerfull, anyway if you want to see the detail then read this 1st episode of THE EXOTIC. Goodbye and I will see you in next episode." And I as the narrator want to say thanks to all of you that read this story or novel or anything you want to call it, it's up to you and let me know if you want me to make indonesian version of this, maybe especially to indonesian people want me to make indonesian version of this just let me know, and episode 2 will come soon.
الرواية بقلمي أنا إنتصار لخضاري (غيمة) سأقاضي كل من ينقلها بدون إذني .
🍂تنتقل فتاة المدينة للعيش في بيت جدتها في الريف بعد ذلك الحادث الذي تسبب في موت عائلتها لتلتقي هناك بذلك الشاب الذي تدعوه هي بغريب القرية ...دون أن تعلم بأن كل شيء حدث كان مخططا له ، لم تكن أمهاتنا على خطأ حينما أوصيننا أن لا نثق بشخص غريب و أن لا ندعو أناسا لا نعرفهم لبيوتنا ...🍂
" يبدو أنكِ جديدة هنا ، على كل أنا أسكن بالجوار إن إحتجتِ لأي شيء "
إبتسمت و هي تمد يدها لتصافحه " أنا كلوديا ! ما هو إسمك يا غريب القرية ؟"
إبتسم هو إبتسامة ساحرة و صافحها قائلا
" إديس ...أدعى إديس "
🍂صحيح أنها كانت المرة الأولى التي يصافح فيها بشرية لكنه كان متأكدا من أن الأمر سيتعدى ذلك خلال الأيام القليلة القادمة .🍂