I've done to many crazy things to count them all on a hand but that night at that club in Hollywood was the worst of them all. See before that night I wasn't that social, scratch that, I didn't like to leave the house at all with out my Pap. But that night everything in my broke loose, a killer. It cloaked itself around me and feed on my soul.
I remember like it was yesterday, before the world was over thrown. Before I had to worry about staying alive, or how am I going to survive by myself. See when I tell you what I am your not going to believe me and I will kindly say, I don't give three shits and if I had a shit to give I wouldn't give it to you.
I'm part werewolf, and I'm telling you this now because later on I don't want you freak when you find out who's my father, but that's for later on.
Back then I was so stupid, I didn't see him staring like a creep in the back of the crowd infested room. And when I got to drunk to give a white he led me right to my death, well partly death. And if you want to know how a totally anti-social, bag-wearing , half human like me became a cold half crazy killer I can only say one thing.
Being Half Way Dead does something to the soul.
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