In a far off land surrounded by mountains and lush valleys there is a vast kingdom known as Valdoria ruled by their Crown Prince. However three years ago a terrible incident accrued, a strange and horrid death fell upon the King and his Queen leaving behind there only two children Xavier Strategos the eldest son, and their daughter Celina. But things are not all as they seem as Xavier becomes King strange things start to happen in and around the kingdom. Woman keep disappearing and reappearing as bloody ripped apart corpses half eaten and violated left to rot along the edge of the woods and fields. While whispers in the forest from those who live there growing louder with each passing day, a monster foretelling doom on the lad with its dying breath. And a Prince who holds a keen and protective eye on his younger sister the Princess. It's been said that with royalty there will always be dark secrets, and the brighter the Prince shines the deeper those looming shadows will cast. Artwork by: Orpheelin from
54 parts