One human quality that we all share, despite our individual identities, is the need to belong. The cost of belonging, can be substantial. Many social groups could have different expectations and could demand unquestioning obedience and conformity, which can conflict with our own ambitions and views in life.
Meet Nora, a Muslim teenager starting 11th grade at Eldridge High School. The school presents itself as a huge challenge for her, as she learns to choose friends wisely, and that sometimes, the people you trust the most are the ones that hurt you. Aside from all the obstacles she faces, she is balancing her religious and western identity, taking the beautiful things out of either, to fully appreciate life.
"You'll never influence the world by being just like it."
Being different is never easy. Especially when the differences between you and the other people are massive.
The whole world tries to make her change, although he is the only one who is letting her be.
Cover done by @onlysecretscount