WARNING: OKAY SO AS TIME GOES ON, THIS FIC WILL INCLUDE SOME GRAPHIC DIRTY(probably not right away because I actually have a plan for the plot lol) AND DEPRESSION SELF-HARM SCENES. BUT ANYWAY IT WILL OCCUR AT SOME POINT IN TIME AND IF THAT'S NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA THEN JUST EXIT OUT OF THIS, BUT DON'T ACT TOO SOON BC YOU MIGHT END UP LIKING IT. OKAY THANKS FOR READING MY FIC, IF YOU'RE READING MY FIC. OKAY I'LL SHUT UP AND WRITE NOW OKAY PROLOGUE: My name is Marley. I have been best friends with the 5sos boys since I was in grade school, and since I had taken a gap year, they took me along on tour with them, and now we were all staying in their LA flat while they recorded their new album. It's strange, having so much attention, not even just on the boys, it was on me too. I had gotten a lot of attention on twitter and gained thousands of followers just by being their friend. The fans loved me though, i got some hate, but barely any compared to all the love I got. I'm not sure how it got out, and I didn't really want anyone to know, but everyone found out about how i used to self harm. The boys were confused at first because they wondered why i hadn't told them, but after a while they were upset they didn't notice anything. I told them I was fine, that I stopped years ago, which was the truth. They believed me, but kept a close eye on me anyway. Everyone on twitter was so supportive and kind, now I realize why the boys share so many things with the fam. I had never thought of the boys as anything more than friends, but lately I've been feeling differently about Michael, and I think he's been feeling differently about me too. Even so, I know those feelings will never amount to anything real since we have been so close for so long. Right?
SEASON 1 - 6
crownsmist, 2022
cover by @norasnetflix
spanish & french translations are in my reading lists!