What is it like to be almost perfect but always neglected? To be right but still left?
Natasha Ernestine Steinfeld. She could have answered both if only the world isn't mischievous to conspire something for her and everyone involved. Something like having realizations when it's needed no more.
As equanimous as nature, as honest as ice, magnanimous and selfless in her own way, Ernestine loves everyone no matter what. Even until her last breathe. Even "if" when they were the cause of it.
BUT the world loves to twist her life and throw circumstances at her. They're not done yet. You can tell upon knowing that the world twisted all proper orders.
Now the billion dollar question regarding a priceless gem, after everything that happened and will happen, will she remain as the girl we all don't deserve? If no, will she find her way back to being spotless?