Harry Styles, just an average boy band member with nice abs and a perky butt right? Lol wrong. It started with his child hood (we'll get to that later) and now he works part time as a stripper/internationaly famous band member. Which happened when a simple mistake, like switching up the paper works of an xfactor audition and an application for a popular strip club, got out of hand. his original intentions was the stripper, but now hes got part time duty on both hands. Everybody loves him. But what happens when he's made it his life goal to make it to the top, not just as a band member? What happens when he confuses himself with his own sexuality? Will he drop a chick to fuck a dude? Aye man. He's just Britans next top stripper (this story is JUST for laughs so pls shut ur butt hole if u have a problem goodbye)