In Edgemoor, Delaware, a seventeen-year-old girl named Lacy Winters was having an okay day at her high school until the sound of gunshots interrupted her third period. People were panicking and hid in the back of the room. Her teacher was shot and two guys with guns came in shouting orders for the girls to walk out with their hands up. All the high school girls were handcuffed and ordered to get in the back of a semi-truck to be transported to Limington, Maine. The kidnappers take them in an abandoned building where there are more of them. They turned out to be boys from their school and the reason why they kidnapped them was because they formed an alliance with other schools to create a place where they can watch girls from different schools to fight each other against their will. Lacy tried breaking out a couple of times but failed. Will Lacy and all the other girls escape? Read and find out -MecheAll Rights Reserved