The universe is expanding... and someone or something just started experimenting with it. Stars too small to go supernovae are now suddenly exploding, planets are spontaneously disintegrating, galaxies are disappearing quickly, nebulae are collapsing, and there are black holes popping up everywhere. At first, scientists thought this was because of some natural set of forces unknown to science, that was until bursts of energy and matter started to emanate from the interiors of a faraway galaxy. There's a new pantheon of (would-be) gods... and they like breaking things, especially universes. Alexandria Sagacia; a born-astrophysicist, must now become a heroine for the cosmos, and beyond... From wars wit'jh Type 3 civilizations to huge epic space battles over giant blue stars, escaping black holes, u to adventures in the farthest and strangest reaches of the universe, Alexandria must battle some of the deadliest forces in the universe or the gods of the Cosmic Pantheon will destroy everything.