So, probably this story writer need something else to do rather than trashing a global KPOP idol star. And even a stupid idea of writing a fanfiction of one korean idol groups BTS's rapper. Curse me, thank you. But a long year end holiday and doing nothing is completely sucks. So, writing my own imagination is better than doing nothing.
Now, I'll start the story with a twenty something years old girl pursuing her dream and start a career as an automotive junior design engineer at one of giant car maker which has to leave her country for a management trainee to mother factory country, Japan. But unfortunately the first time she landed to destination country, she must bump to one member of global superstar idol rapper, and yes that bad luck and humiliation must duck her all around during her trainee period in Japan.
She's just a normal average girl and he's a global superstar. Totally different background, totally different life pursuit, will they finally be able to get along to unsolve these unfamiliar bad luck? Will they finally find an answer of this odd occasions? is it only a simple bad luck or is it their life Destiny?
Well, no one able to predict their own life journey. And so this story writer too. Will I able to complete this story with a beautiful twist ? Or will I unfinish this storyline and make another sequels? can't predict that.
Will they, this story main character finally find a way to live happily?
Well, stay tune to find that answer... 😊💜💜💜
**Note: Un-edited version, so forgive me if you find a lot of language mistakes, or even confusing storyline, I hope I have a time to edit it, in the near future. But for now, please just enjoy the story.😉😊💜💜💜