This story follows the lives of four girls, Imani, Mimi, Cassie and Abby. The four girls are all fans of Mindless Behavior except for Cassie. Cassie is a long lost friend of Roc Royal, who he kind of dumped in the end grade, because he went to Mindless Behavior, but he never got a chance to tell Cassie that. Cassie, heartbroken ends up getting invloved with the wrong people and after is backstabbed by her whole group of friends at school. The rest of the girls become more than just fans to MB, and after they began to loose all of the friends they once had and gain new friends they wish they hadn't. Girls backstabbing them, the spotlight turned on them, but can the girls handle the kind of attention they are getting? Good or bad? Secrets began to unravel of lies, fame, celebrities, groupies and the real lives of the boys they thought they knew. Confessions turned into rumors have everyone coming for each other, when they soon realize they must come together to figure out what is really happening and how little they know about their so called "friends". Abby loses all of her #teamMindless friends and isn't sure if she can even trust her own sister. Mimi is hurt after Ray begins dating a a teen singer, Arianna and Imani isn't sure she can handle the attention and the groupies coming after her. After a picture of Mimi and Roc gets leaked, rumors began to spread, Cassie isn't so sure she can trust Roc anymore, breaking Cassie's heart twice creates a trust issue between the two. The four girls come together and unravel the secret lives of the people they thought they knew. Confession Time.
Lexi Montez is a sister of young supermodel, Nina Montez, and dance prodigy, Nick Montez. She is never noticed, but she gets her heartache out through obsessing over the hottest new band, Mindless Behavior. When she accidently meets them while they're trying to go back to being normal kids for the summer, she has to try and keep it a secret that she's COMPLETELY mindless. Not to mention there might be a little romance and drama along the way...
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