In a dystopian world, ruled by a tyrannical king, nonhuman creatures are discriminated against in the normal society. Some of these such creatures began to revolt against the king and his cruel ways, which extend far beyond just his distaste against nonhumans. They are labeled as pirates so that the citizens believe that they are the enemies, and so that they won't find out about the illusion being held over them by the king. The label came from the fact that they sail the seas, as they will be hunted down if they are found on land. Kaori is a beastial wood elf, one of the "pirates". She was orphaned at a young age, and joined a pirate crew, looking for a sense of belonging. Her ship was sank by a government ship, and her best friend, Kitsun, was killed in the attack. She was almost drowned, but was saved by a mermaid halfling and fellow pirate, named Nami, who introduced Kaori to her crew, called the Ash Pirates. Read Michi Ni Sotte to find out what happens next to Kaori.All Rights Reserved
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