What would you do if you dicovered a post box full of letters that is sent to God to deliver it to their lost beloved ones?
What would you do if you were given a chance to help people without paying money or doing any community service?
What would you do if you were given a chance to console people who mourn for their loved ones who are no longer on the face of the Earth??
What would you do if you were actually paid to do all of this???
What would you do if the person paying you to do this claims to be an angel????
Well, life's not always simple. There are people out there with perfect lives and are always hateful because it's not enough. And then there are people who live in the moment, who love what they have and would change a thing if they had a wish.
Some live to make their dreams come true. Some live to fulfill their needs. And some live to just live.
Some people live for themselves. And some live for their loved ones.
But what if some people just didn't have a reason to live for? Just waiting for their turn to dissapear from the world.
What do you do for people like them??
You give them a reason to live!
Note: This story is based on the Korean Movie 'Postman to Heaven'. The contents of this story is written by me but the plot is the movie.
Hope you guys like it! :D