They came for me in the middle of the night and just like that I was gone..
Bayek Mave, 19 year old male
Black hair, dark brown eyes
5'4, 170 pounds
Disappeared Wednesday night at 12:45 am
After the flash of light
Has been missing for over 2 weeks
Last seen on College Campus (Opossum Fate College)
-Newspaper (Missing Person column)
Bayek was taken for a reason or why else would he be in a random spaceship filled with perfectly mutated people and aliens from other galaxies, planets and universes. Out of 7 billion people on earth he was chosen to be a part of their world. Farzell is the biggest world trading spaceship to ever exist in the universe. They claim they are trying to help him But Bayek finds that hard to believe since he found himself trapped in a cage after he woke up from his nightly walk. It is up to him now if he should trust the people of Farzell or hide from the strangers who took him from his home in the first place.