archie and veronica were madly in love. every second of their summer, they spent together. he was her escape. with archie, there was no hiram and hermione. there was no facing the reality that her name was on every crime filled document. especially, there was no worrying about her ex best friend betty cooper.
but boy should she have worried. because betty came, and spoke poison into her safe haven- she filled archie with rumors until he caved. and he said it. the words hit veronica like a hot slap to the cheek.
"you don't care about anyone but yourself, and you're still the good-for-nothing slut you used to be."
she swore she didn't know crying until that night. her parents, her past, her old best friend- they had hurt her. they had broken her into pieces. she thought archie could put them back together.
but he shattered them. and he threw them back in her face. and then she was no longer ronnie, the beautiful, witty, confident, perfect new girl who could take command of the town with one look. she was veronica lodge, now fragile, closed, and cold. losing him was the nail in the coffin. something shifted in veronica that night, and she was unsure if anything could bring it back.