Let’s just say, that I have read a lot of bad stories in my day. A lot. Trust me when I say this. I have read the corny ones, the implausible ones, the cliche ones, the ones that are pretty much the same damn thing featuring different names. In all of my 19 years, I never thought I would be a part of a story quite this bad. Not bad, in an illegal way, or a badass way (though I’ll have you know that I am totally a badass) but in a cheesy, this-could-never-actually-happen sort of way. I hated those stories. I didn't care for the people on the internet who wrote them, and I honestly disliked the number one topic of every single damn story. And that was the band, One Direction. And I'd be damned if I was every going to associate with them. Though, looking back, all I can say is that this story is "Irony At Its Finest".
I'm just going to be honest here. This story is really cringy. I have tried to edit it but sometimes it's just too much to handle. 😂 Anyway, if you still plan on reading this, remember that you might get confused in some parts and for that I apologize hahahahaha also, thanks for reading and if my story isn't that terrible, don't forget to vote and comment! Bye!