SEQUEL TO DANGEROUS DAYS. (PART TWO IN THE TRUE LIVES OF THE FABULOUS KILLJOYS SERIES) A/N- Wattpad keeps on fucking up my titles, sorry they're all over the show.) 'Never forget what you stand for. Ever, no matter what it takes. Don't you ever give up.' Maybe dying isn't as fun as they first thought. After the killjoys wake to find that they're being monitored by Better Living, they're chance for escape looks slim. But Gerard has a plan, because Gerard always has some sort of plan, whether it be blaitantlly stupid, or just brilliant. Frank's at the end of his tether trying to keep Holly from doing something that will put them all in more danger than they're already in. While Holly's simply attemping to cope. Not that drinking solves anything, but then she starts acting strangely, seeming to be affected by something only she can see. Meanwhile, she's forming a plan which she hopes will end this brawl for good. But what if her plan backfires? What if she's making things worse than they already are? What if Better Living are prepared to use something against her that she never thought possible? The Dangerous Days aren't over, not just yet.All Rights Reserved