[OWNER] LaughingJoyously: Oh, hi! You must be new to Chat-Room. Don't worry, it's just a texting app, nothing bad. [OWNER] LaughingJoyously: It's actually an awesome way to keep in touch with people. It's great! [OWNER] LaughingJoyously: I mean, I guess there was that one time when a few people used it for not so great things...but that doesn't happen a lot. [OwnER] LaughingJoyously: ... [OW$&r] LaughingJoyously: Wait, you want to hear the story? [%#$&@$/)] LaUghIngJOyoUsLy: It's kinda hard to explain. [%#$&@$/)] LaUghIngJOyoUsLy: You'LL hAve tO seE for yOUrselF.All Rights Reserved