Before we start, I have a anoucement.
My first story about "LotB" is canceled, cause of this one, is so exciting.
Now let's start.
Skrill, a 16 years old boy came from Italy to New York, which it will be his new house and school. He likes to walk around the streets, so one day he saw something strange about a group of persons, which suddenly they came toward him. Skrill looked at them closely, and realized a thing : they were poseded. For his luck, he was been saved from the strange peoples.
In that day, he met four new guys, like : a tall purple cat, a anxious dog, a she-dog very caring and protective and a demon hedgehog. They found in a abandoned garage a old book which is talking about an another dimension called Re-Nightmare, but is controlled by Karma, which is affecting the dimension and also the real world, and someday, the team will be whole again. Now, all five must find the dimension called Re-Nightmare, and stop Karma from corrupting, finding secrets and new power abilities and friends.