WARNING: MAY NOT CONTAIN MUCH KLANCE FOR THE FIRST FEW CHAPTERS!!!!! He didn't remember when he closed his eyes but when he opened them again , he felt like he was falling . his surroundings tinted bright red. The feeling of gravity pulling him down was gone in an instant. Keith couldn't remember anything. Unfamiliar images flashed before his eyes as he tried to stand. The first was him interacting with a tall, lanky boy with chestnut brown hair and ocean blue orbs. Despite not being able to remember the boy, Keith thought that the boy looked rather familiar (and cute). The next image was him and the lanky boy kneeling on the ground in front of a gold plated throne... Don't blink, don't miss. there's always something else, don't leave it amiss. All characters belong to Dreamworks Inspired by Glitchtale on YouTube by Camilla Cuevas.All Rights Reserved