Hai guys, I'm Cecilia. This is my Diary for 2018. I've struggled with so much shit from suicidal thoughts, to actually try making people proud of the things I do in life. I don't make my parents happy and honestly, I'm trying but sadly, that's not making much of a difference. I really want to not only make a difference in my family but to everyone who ever doubted me and put me through so much shit it in life. I want this to be a big "Fuck You For Your Negativity" to all the people that had said "You can't do this without that..." or "you can't do that without this..." There have been times where I've done things that I could never do before and I achieved that but then there is always someone in my family or life that will either say something negative about the thing I had done or the add on more challenges to that situation. Which is not the best. You don't have to read my diary, and you don't have to like it, I just love to write and I'm not very happy when I type how I feel and someone complains about the things I write. But anywho, if you want to follow me and my journey into 2018 feel free to read my diary. If not there are other stories you could read. Cecilia Brooks is an 18-year old that struggles with her life and everyone who gave her tons of shit for the things that she had achieved or try to accomplish in her life. Cecilia just graduated high school and is learning how to adjust to living as an adult now that she is now living with her grandparents. From family problems to suicidal problems, Cecilia continues to push through her hard difficult life with all her insecurities and stress that follows her. Follow Cecilia as she goes on many adventures as 2018 is now rolled in.All Rights Reserved