*2019 update I'm finding daily that the books the I have chosen as the best or my favorites are now being published! Congratulations to all! Now I have read some more to have some good books you can still find on Wattpad. These are stories in my opinion that were great reads to me. I am not a writer but I am an avid reader and I greatly enjoy a good book that I can easily find myself engulfed in the story. A book where you can feel the emotion. Love or hate the characters. Again these are books that I have read and like, loved and hated. Just wanted to share and honor the authors I that I found I like and love. I hope you enjoy These books as much as I do. I will only start with a few recommendations. But as I finish books I will add them to my list so there will be ongoing updates. I think I will make this to only include 30 books for completed books and maybe another book with 30 books where you can follow and enjoy as the writer and experience the comments and votes while they are happening. This is just something to contribute to all the wonderful writers that have courage to share their stories, thoughts and their heart. Thank You and Enjoy.Seluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang