My story starts with being born under American carpet-bombing of Cambodia in 1970, surviving the civil war, and Khmer Rouge regime, killers of over 3 million people – victims of “The Final Solution”. I saw thousands being killed. We were saved in the nick of time. After the heaven of liberation, the long march home.
Then the agony as father abandoned the nine of us to starvation in our village, while he lived the high life in the city with a mistress who later tried to sell me into sex slavery on the Thai border. Out of revenge, mother murdered two babies, almost killed me. I fought-off countless sex assaults. I found a job in Beauty Inn, a new hotel in Phnom Penh.
In 1993 my dreams and prophesies came true - I met my European prince in Beauty Inn. Love at first sight, heavenly sex (in vivid detail), followed by amazing adventures in strange countries. In 2005 I ended up in Australia, a racist pit. We arrived rich, built a property empire, became poor thanks to the GFC and property shysters.
I write about my outrage at genocide denial in two movies, “The Killing Fields” (actually a gay love story) and “Enemies of the People” (helping the Khmer Rouge get away with genocide). The denials are part of a conspiracy to protect America, responsible for the genocide. I am the first to reveal that America was responsible for five separate genocides – resulting in the deaths of at least 56% of the Cambodia population!
Freedom of expression in Cambodia has ended – I will not be able to promote my book there or ever visit my family again.
My book is also a story of self enlightenment, women and men (the weaker sex). I am fighting cultures that allow oppression and abuse of women. It is also a plea for gender equality, freedom of speech and expression. A changed world, free of discrimination and racism. It will be an inspiration to all. I’ve just started on my mission to change the world.
♥ A Writer's Journal ♥
Where readers can get to know me, Stephanie Rose, through my writing processes, my multiple projects, and my passing thoughts.
Where I answer questions -- those asked by my readers or myself -- and share behind-the-scenes info on my characters, story ideas, aesthetic choices.
Where I share my projects, my woes, my hopes, my dreams.
Where I bring you, the reader, into my world -- the world of an author.
♥ this is a story with PAID CHAPTERS, except for the first two. Please consider unlocking chapters to read more about me! There will be bonus things that *aren't* included in any of the stories posted on Wattpad! ♥