In Danvers, Massachusetts, feisty seventeen-year-old Millie Bobby Brown who craves attention and lives off of bad behavior is in the fifth generation of witches in her family; however, she has no idea of that until one day something happens to cause her to use her powers. She realizes after some time that she can read minds, kill someone by a simple feeling of pure anger, create fire by one neuron impulse that travels to her brain purely based off of infuriation or boredom that she feels, and force things to elevate and move with her mind. When her aunt Myrtle sends her to an all-girls boarding school for 'her kind' out of safety; in the midst of it all, she meets Finn Wolfhard, an extremely observant boy who was raised believing that any human being, or witch, with supernatural abilities or in his dad's mind, "demonic abilities" is evil.
She was mentally abused and hated . Her family was supportive but that's not enough. She has some friends but that's not enough to fill her heart. She hurts herself because of her terrible past. Past boyfriends damaged her so she lost her trust and stop believing in love. She wants to end it all but he comes into her life. He fills the gaping hole and she learns to trust and mainly , learn to love. But will he leave like the others or will he stay and hold the broken girl in his arms.
This Book contains violence, self - harm , and strong language .
And lastly.....
This book shows the impact that words and actions have on people. Be kind