Reeling from his crushing defeat at the Grand Prix Finale, Eren Yeager, once Germany's most promising figure skater, returns to his family home to assess his options for the future. At age 23, Eren's window for success in skating is closing rapidly, and his love of käsespätzle and aptitude for gaining weight are not helping either.
However, Eren finds himself in the spotlight when a video of him performing a routine previously executed by five-time world champion, Levi Ackerman, suddenly goes viral. In fact, Levi himself abruptly appears at Yuuri's house and offers to be his mentor. As one of his biggest fans, Eren eagerly accepts, kicking off his journey to make it back onto the world stage. But the competition is fierce, as the rising star from France, Armin Arlert, is relentlessly determined to defeat Eren and win back Levi's tutelage.
credit to the artists!
Y/N, a simple woman, joins the deadly games to pay off debts after her mother's death. Young-Il, a heartless soul, controls the games, watching everything from afar while sipping on his glass of whisky.
But this year is different. When he spots Y/N, number 160, during the game of "Red Light, Green Light," he can't help but grow more obsessed with her.
The first game ends, and Young-Il decides it's time to join the games himself, meet her, and make her his forever. Not that he will allow anyone else to even look at her
But will Y/N really trust him?