Hi my name Is Peyton! I enjoy singing and swimming and mostly tumblring and any other things that have something to do with pictures and beauty tutorials. I had a great family. My mom and Dad both were pretty much rich and gave me everything I wanted , we always did things together like go to the movies or the park but we always gave each other company. One day I turned 7 and I was sent somewhere far away form my parents.. Luckly when I turned 10 they came back but then again a month later they left me again! I was sent back to the home and there I stayed for 5 months. I'm now 10 and a half and I have long strawberry blonde hair and my skin was very tan my eyes were blue and my style was hipster. One day Jessica my social worker told me someone wanted me and then again I was told to get my very little things together and was passed to a new place , only I know if I get to attached they might get rid of me to. I argued back and forth before I we got to the place I was going and there in front of me was JUSTIN DREW BIEBERS house! As shocked as I was I couldn't help but fangirl because I'm a belieber! but now that justins my new dad I we got really close to find out he's in love with the same girl that cheated and broke his heart and now its up to ME to make sure I end this and find him the right girl!