"Within recent years, an evolution, rather a makeover, of the American alien has taken place. Meet Astrid the Aesthetic Alien: Astrid is smol, cute, trippy, gender non-binary, yet also gay, and hates humans. Not hate in a "I'm going to vaporize you and take over your planet" kind of way, but hate in a "Ew humans. You guys are boring and lame, byeeeee." This remodeled image has infiltrated modern popular culture, appearing on album covers, online videos, graphic art, and even cute hats. It's understandable why such an open-minded, fun, loving creature as Astrid would become so popular. It's not as if a human as great as that could exist. Astrid was created unsurprisingly through teenage angst. Fear of being abducted into an spacecraft turned into pleas of being beamed away from a world where they don't feel a part of. This is where the ultimate invasion lies: the alien we all see in our own selves. "
-- Ashley Morales