„Prisėsk ir paklausyk mano istorijos. Aš tau papasakosiu apie tobulybę, žalumą, dundėjimą, lietų, tylą, meilę, sielą, kelionę namo."
Tovė išvysta į kelionę - savo širdies paieškas. Merginai be galo pabosta leisti savo dienas didmiestyje, toli nuo gimtinės, todėl ji, kaip ir kiekvienais metais, įsėda į traukinį, vežantį namo.
Tačiau priešingai nei praeitais kartais, šį sykį ji vyksta ne viena.
Istorija apie dviejų merginų pažintį, draugystę, kelionę, pilną nuotykių, švelnumo, įkvėpimo ir savęs atradimo.
Grief-stricken over the death of the boss who was like a father to her, Olivia Bailey is left to deal with the aftermath--the arrival of his dashing but estranged son, Pierce Alexander. But she can't stand him and he doesn't trust her. Will working for the new CEO remain to be an impossible task?
Olivia Bailey might be plain and boring, but she's content with her current lifestyle, working for the kind but lonely old man who owns Alexander Corporation. But his untimely death flips her simple life upside down. Now, she must deal with his estranged son, the heir to his business empire, together with the growing feelings building up between them. Will Olive manage to bear the pressure and issues cropping up along the way--or is this too much to ask?
Disclaimer: This story won The Wattys 2014 People's Choice Award.
Cover Design by Ashley Marie Bandy