"Long ago the humans left earth"
"They boarded the alpha and Omega, two massive ships that hold the last remaining humans, numbering 100,000,000"
"Those of us they left behind, we're the néa elpída. The new hope"
"The néa elpída are the humans natural preditor...or so they call us. We're humans too I promise. But when a human pisses off another human, worst case, small fight. When a human pisses off a néa elpída that can shoot fucking lasers from his hands, then things get a little hairy"
"They were scared so they ran"
"From ignorenc came fear"
"From fear came heartbreak"
"Families were torn apart as parents had their children taken. lovers were separated. And friendships vanished"
"There was an uproar"
"That was 500 years ago"
"Now that the old ones have died off and a new generation has taken over, peace was finally reached"
"Until now"
"You see, Omega has fallen, killing off half the human race"
"As you can imagine, the humans are pissed. But one man's trash is another mans treasure"
"After the crash, camps, that would later turn into towns we're build around the crash site with all the riches of the humans just ripe for the taking"
"My father Clarence is a junker, so every day he goes to parts unknown to find who know what. Not the most glorious, I know. But I keeps food on the table, so it's good enough"
"I get up, go to school, come home, spend time with my family. It's a good life, but it seems every day offers some crazy event. So at least it's never boring lol"