Hi. I'm Josh. Adam's Sister, supposedly what my mom told me, I'm an 'accident' and treats me as a boy. Basically I'm transgender.... I'm a girl though. I've always wanted to wear girl clothes, to wear a dress, make-up, do what a girl would normally do. Only Adam treats me like a girl... he will take me shopping with Alesa, I'll come across a dress I like, Adam will say, "we'll go on' get it!!" With a laugh, but I say back, "but Mom will be mad..." he will shake his head and say "Josh, your 18, almost 19, your an adult! It's not mom's worry anymore." I just don't want mom to be upset but she's always been upset. When Adam and I were kids, Adam did something wrong and mom would yell at me telling me and lecturing me. Adam admits it was him but mom always says "no Adam your the good child! You wouldn't do that," but Adam tried and tried every time he did something mom would yell at me... here's my Story and people who love me- well one person besides Adam who loves me... hint-he's not a Sloth..
I'm sorry Mom and Dad, I'm a disappointment.