Eindreid, a misfit who secured a spot at the prestigious University of Tallis, finds her perception of nerds crumble down upon meeting Chord, a tortured genius who conceals her emotional problems behind a quirky and whimsical facade. Despite being polar opposites, the two eventually became bestfriends, where each other served as their shelters from the cruelty of the world.
However, nothing lasts in highschool. In Chord's darkest moments, Reid faces the daunting reality of pursuing her dreams in another country, forcing to bid farewell to everyone, including her bestfriend. Unbeknownst to her, Chord treasures her more than she ever dared to imagine, and their fraying connection threatens to dismantle the fragile stability that Chord was able to maintain thanks to Reid being her anchor.
With her silver lining gone, will the tortured genius find a way through the darkness, or will she succumb to its depths once and for all?
"Intelligence and Madness are twins."
All rights reserved 2018.
Character Illustration by Rhiel Guillermo