7 parts Ongoing In the heart of the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, lies a timeless dialogue-a conversation that transcends time, space, and mortal struggles. This sacred conversation is the Bhagavad Gita, the "WHEN MIND MEETS WISDOM."
🌟 Synopsis: In the midst of a battlefield, Prince Arjuna Is grabbed with doubt and despair. His duty as a warrior clashes with his attachment and love for his friends and family who were on the opposing side. It is here that Lord Krishna, the divine charioteer, imparts profound wisdom to Arjuna-a wisdom that reverberates through the ages.
📖 About the Book: "WHEN MIND MEETS WISDOM" together unlocks the secret of philosophy, devotion, and duty. As Arjuna seeks answers, Krishna reveals the essence of life, purpose, and the path to liberation. Through vivid metaphors and practical guidance, the Gita unfolds its teachings:
Selflessness: Arjuna learns that true action arises from selflessness. To act without attachment to outcomes is to find freedom.
Detachment: Krishna emphasises detachment-not indifference, but the ability to engage fully while remaining unswayed by success or failure.
Devotion: The Gita extols devotion as a powerful force. Whether through love, knowledge, or meditation, devotion leads to realization.
Inner Battle: The battlefield becomes a metaphor for our inner struggles-the conflict between desires, duty, and the pursuit of truth.
Practical Wisdom: The Gita offers practical tools for navigating life's challenges-whether you're a warrior on a battlefield or a seeker in the modern world.
Universal Relevance: Its teachings resonate across cultures, religions, and centuries. The Gita speaks to the human condition.
Inner Transformation: Dive into the Gita, and you'll emerge with a deeper understanding of purpose, duty, and the nature of existence.