1 part Ongoing MatureAfter 6000 years of being imprisoned by a man-made Artificial Intelligence, leftover humanity is determined to free itself from their own creation. Gabriel, a member of the Order of White Knights, is determined to find the Monas'Ani, a prophesized messiah of human rebelion.
Imprisoned for 6,000 years by an interstellar empire of ruthless alien conquerors, humanity's spirit refuses to die. Legends speak of the Monas'Ani, a prophesied savior destined to lead the rebellion and break their chains. Gabriel, a hardened White Knight haunted by his childhood running out and the alien overlords tightening their grip, Gabriel must face an unsettling truth: salvation might come at a price too great for humanity to bear. Will he find the Monas'Ani before hope fades into oblivion?