Her parents are not dead, but they might as well be. Legally insane and holding a huge, fatal secret, they drop Nicole Kings and her two younger twin siblings, Nia and Mark, off to an orphanage in the blink of an eye. However, that was all years ago when happiness was even thought possible for the three Kings siblings.
That is, until a strange letter from Hogwarts arrives at their doorstep, but only two names are on the letter. As usual Nicole is left in the dust, and has nothing to live for. As she digs through her old stuff, she finds a small bottle her mother gave her. In an attempt to end it all, she drinks the strange liquid held inside, and before she can even stop to think another letter arrives. Now Nicole, who is three years behind the rest of her fellow wizarding classmates, is off to Hogwarts and finds that all of their lives are in danger, and that her parents might have been trying to explain this the whole time.
Voldemort is back with Nicole, Nia, and Mark as his new targets, and the only people who know why all this is happening, are too insane to explain anything. Only Nicole can save everyone,especially her family, from this last, hidden horcrux.
"Cassiopeia Lynx Weasley. I thought you were dead seeing as you were born premature. But you are a (?????????) and best friend of (?????) . So I won't hurt you just hand me the stone. You know where it is give it now... Did your parents not tell you? You are a recantation. You were dying until Lily Potter died when I killed her. You did a 180 because of her spirit latching on. If I hadn't killed her you would have died. So in a way you owe me for your life." I don't owe you anything and I never will Voldemort.