YouTube University was a dream for many, some would work and hone their skills while others would simply stumble upon the website. But for those that could afford it, they could live on campus.
It wasn't exclusive, anyone could join the school but Lachlan didn't even know it existed until a week before he's sent to fly there for classes. University would be way better than High School right?
51 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
51 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Aiden has only just moved to a new school after being literally bullied out of the last one and his parents have had enough, Sending him to live with his older sister Freya, This school should be different right? With his older sister engaged to the Principal, His new friends trying to protect him and hit on him, And his gorgeous PE Teacher Mr Barn... what could possibly go wrong?